How to arrive to La Maga Rooms
When accessed from the N-340 you will see a roundabout with a petrol station on your right. Continue towards the centre in a straight line leaving behind McDonald´s Restaurant on the left.
You will pass under a bridge to get to the last roundabout. Easy to identify as it has a Memorial Arch.
Take the fist exit to the right leaving behind Ricardo´s Driving School on the left.
Continue till the third traffic light and turn left.
Continue to the end of this street and then turn right.
Continue to the next traffic light and turn right when possible. Go straight on until you reach a roundabout with an olive tree right in its centre. Right at that Square you will see the "Centro de especialidades médicas".
Keep straight on, always in an ascending way, (towards the castle, they are always at the top). You will pass by the Chemist on your right. After the chemist turn left passing in front of a Pup called PlanB.
You will get to a square where you are going to turn left again.
Then turn right onto a cobblestones Street that keeps ascending.
You will come to a tower and you have to turn left: Time to park.
If you don´t find parking spaces follow the road towards the castle. Count three curves from the tower. You will come to a traffic light that is always red.
If you don´t find parking spaces follow the road towards the castle. Count three curves from the tower. You will come to a traffic light that is always red.
If you park here, don´t undo all the way you have just done. Walk back to the traffic light that is always red and walk down the pedestrian stairs. Following a slope parallel to the hillside you will get to the Hotel´s front door.
If you park here, don´t undo all the way you have just done. Walk back to the traffic light that is always red and walk down the pedestrian stairs. Following a slope parallel to the hillside you will get to the Hotel´s front door.
Continue to the next traffic light and turn right when possible . Go straight up until you reach a roundabout with an olive tree right in its centre. Right at that Square you will see the "centro de especiealidades médicas"
Keep straight on, always in an ascending way, (towards the castle, they are always at the top). You will pass by the Chemist on your right. After the chemist turn left passing in front of a Pup called PlanB.
You will get to a square where you are going to choose left again.
Go straight up to the second square (Plaza de San Jordi) with a shop called Piroshopping that you will pass by and turn right getting into a Street called Calle Almas.
Go to the end of the Street. You have reached your destination.
How to arrive to La Maga Rooms
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